Setting yourself up

It is very important to start with a decent set-up.
This involves your (new) e-mail accounts, proper passwords & management and also aspects around security & anonimity.
In this section we will guide you through all the necessary steps towards building a solid foundation in your crypto adventure.
Many subjects and tips may seem very trivial and logical and yes, that's true. But that is also why they are often ignored or 'forgotten'. Well begun is half done!

Create a new e-mail address and use it only for crypto. An advanced approach would be to set up multiple addresses, so you can spread risk in case one is compromized. Important: do the same with your passwords.
Also, use an address name that does not incorporate your own, alike with passwords, off course. A preferred provider could be protonmail, but gmail accounts are fine too. Finally, use a password manager or sometimes even better: write them down on paper.. You can find a template in the download section you can print out and use to write down your information.
In short: try to prevent yourself from working with a name.surname@gmail.com account, with which you buy stuff online, are subscribed to whatever websites, do online banking et cetera. Everything is linked to eachother on the internet and while no set-up provides guarantees, you can at least make it a lot more difficult to get rekt.
OpSec 101
There are some ground rules, or at least recommendations to increase your OpSec (operational security):
Use a separate computer
Use a VPN connection
Fortify computer access like YubiKey
Use a separate (not connected) phone for 2FA
...., and don't 'overshare': keep your crypto adventure to yourself..
As I once read on the internet: "OpSec is not a switch, it's a scale". It's not like you'll be watched instantly, but you can minimize exposure and risk to a level that's comfortable. Most of us won't go to an ATM at night in the scariest town's neighbourhood to withdraw a lot of money. Yet, this is not so obvious on the internet, thinking you are safe while buying bitcoin in one tab and 'safely' browsing an obscure porn website on another; safely on your couch with the curtains closed, right?

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This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.