Reality Check:
Have you spent a significant amount of time on improving your trading skills and profitability, but feel like you are stuck and cannot move to the ‘next level’?
Once you have reached that glass ceiling it might sink in: i’m a good analyst, however my trade execution is still mediocre (or maybe even poor).
Fear starts creeping in your routines, while you desperately try to figure out why your development is stagnating.
The truth is: developing your TA skills and hours behind the charts can only get you to a certain level.
New indicators don’t work, taking another (paid) course doesn’t add substantial value. Meanwhile, every anon avatar on crypto twitter seems to rake in millions, leaving you feeling more inadequate and incompetent than you should be.
Those quick self help thingies like reading “Trading in the Zone” offer great tools, yet only help if you are willing to do the thing that this trading adventure is asking from you, which is required for every topic you get stuck on in life: self inquiry.
In other words, if you are not willing to REALLY look at yourself and what the pitfalls are that cause you to repeat the same mistakes over and over, you are likely to merely break-even or finally quit this awesome profession.
Reality is: it doesn’t just only surface with trading. It is not the trading that is the bad guy (definitely not the market, LOL). It is the patterns, beliefs, convictions within you that have gradually, subtly, and unconsciously strengthened over years. You are likely to face them as well in your relationships and work.
What makes trading so confronting, is that - even while you may (stubbornly) deny - there is only you to blame, not this or that person with their behavior, or circumstances that are out of your control.
Trading is all about you. And you only. You (don’t) press the ‘buy’ and ‘sell’ button. There is no denying, no running away. The fact that money is involved only speeds up the process :-)
As I have found out: trading is self-therapy with financial consequences.
In order to grow as a trader, you are best to grow as a person.
You learn to know yourself, understand what is hindering you from being consistently profitable, and find a way to integrate some pleasure and (self) love into your trading routines so you can consciously deal with them. It is a challenging yet beautiful journey.
Because honestly, trading IS the best profession possible. A laptop and internet is all you need. And it can be exciting and fun. This stuff is supposed to be exciting and fun.
Since you are reading this, you ARE ready to take yourself and your trading to the next level.
It will not only affect your trading, but almost every aspect within your life.
IF, and only IF, you are willing to do the work.
Do contact me and we will get started.
Your chance for a better (trading) life starts today, not tomorrow.
The market will not wait for you.
Only $25, no strings attached. 100% anonymous

We've created a FREE online course to get you started. It discusses all the relevant topics to get going on your wonderful adventure of self reflection.
What you can expect from me
Only $25, no strings attached. 100% anonymous
What I expect from you
Only $25, no strings attached. 100% anonymous
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