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About us.

We're a team of friends that have been active in crypto for many years now. Bear & Bull markets, Altseasons, scams, rekt: we have seen it all, still learning and progressing in the rabbit hole called crypto.


We are investors, (swing) traders, gem searchers and early adopters, but very much focussed on the psychological elements, because we feel these are crucial in at least surviving..


Yes, it is true: 90% of all new traders loose 90% of their investment within 90 days. So no, you will not see a website promising you the moon, the 100x investment tips or how to get rich and all that unfortunately convincing shite.. In fact we do not promise you anything, but we do want you to become the 90-90-90 survivors, the ones that did not get rekt! 


In crypto since 2019, moreless the end of the bear market. A financial journey, but to be honest: an unparalleled psychological experience.


So much to learn about yourself, even though I really thought I actually already did. But hey, I'm still here, I survived the 90-90-90!


I have made solid entries, but learned a lot from long term expectations versus short term swings.


Crypto is overwhelming, vast and a slippery slope if you do not know where to go. Truth is, you have learn this yourselves, no one can help. We're here to offer a mirror, some guidelines & warnings, some tips and off course: our own stories.. ;) 

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Five years in crypto. It has been a rollercoaster: time-wise, mentally, emotionally, financially. There is always something new to learn. Endlessly.


I am a family man (father of two), have my own business (as a coach). Therefore, I'm not full-time crypto, nor will I ever have the ambition to be. 


Looking back, if there's any ambition, I'm going to spend less time on crypto by focusing on swing trades and optimize trading the many market cycles crypto offers. 


Time is my scarcest asset, and I want to spend it on that which is most valuable to me: quality time with family and friends, and helping other people succeed in whatever makes their heart beat faster.

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